The music for the Solemn High Mass will be provided by the Rudgate Singers accompanied by organist Paul Dewhirst. The choir will be augmented by singers from the Westland Singers of Sunderland.
The Proper will be sung from the Graduale Romanum.
The Ordinary of the Mass will be 'Mass a tre voci con Missa Orbis Factor' by Lotti arranged by Christian Spence.
The Offertory motet will be 'O Virgo Splendas' annon gtom Liber Vermell de Montserrat
The Comminion motet will be 'Adoro Te Devote' by Mariano Garau
The final antiphon will be the Solemn Salve regina
The sacred ministers will be V Rev Dr Michael Brown with Rev Fr D D Phillips and Rev Deacon Andrew Bunce
Please excuse my spelling errors.