Monday, December 13, 2010

Only 11 Praying Days Until Christmas!!

As we approach the Holy Season we want to remind everyone to sort their diaries out. Several local churches have special opening hours & good deals so get the details down NOW & avoid disappointment. The following 'branches' are pleased to announce their special opening hours over the holidays. Barnard Castle, St Mary's No EF Mass on Christmas Eve but Low Mass at 9am on Christmas Day Coxhoe, SS Joseph, Patrick & Cuthbert Christmas Eve, Low Mass at Midnight. Christmas Day no EF Mass Forest Hall, St Mary's Christmas Eve, Missa Cantata at Midnight preceded by Readings & Carols from 11.30pm. No EF Mass on Christmas Day Gateshead, St Joseph's No EF Mass on Christmas Eve but Low Mass at 9am on Christmas Day Newcastle, St Dominic's No EF Mass on Christmas Eve but Low Mass at 11.30am on Christmas Day Thornley, Sacred Heart & English Martyrs No EF Mass on Christmas Eve but Low Mass at 9.30am on Christmas Day. Sunday Masses will be at the usual times. We don't want anyone to claim that they weren't aware of the special opening hours over Christmas so please make the 'staff' efforts are rewarding for them with 'full houses' at every Mass. Theresa & I extend our good wishes to all readers for a Happy & Holy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year coupled with Good Health. Our special thanks to our priests who minister to us throughout the year. We couldn't carry on without Frs Michael Brown, Gary Dickson, Adrian Dixon, Wilfrid Elkin, David Phillips, Shaun Swales & Fr Leo OP. Our servers & singers deserve thanks too for the amount of work they put in during the year.

1 comment:

  1. So, it has been announced today (Tuesday -14/1) that the Ushaw Conference Centre is to close with effect from now.

    So, any attempt by groups to establish a business plan to include the Centre is dashed.
    I have no doubt that the elements opposed to the establishment of a "Traditional" Seminary - that is the whole of the Northern Bishops - will be relieved that they can quash that idea even before it has got off the ground.

    Can anyone explain to me why I should not be totally disgusted at the whole disgraceful proceedings?

    Terry Middleton Ushaw 1958 - 1963
