Monday, June 30, 2014

Possible pilgrimage to ICKSP Dome of Home in New Brighton

It has been suggested that we consider a 1-day pilgrimage to the Institute of Christ the King church in New Brighton (the Dome of Home). The suggested date is Saturday 2nd August 2014 when a Solemn High Mass is to be celebrated and a tour of the shrine. At this point we are simply asking that anyone who may be interested contact us without commitment. When we know approx numbers we will check out coaches. It is suggested that we would need to leave very early on Saturday 2nd August (probably from St Joseph's in Gateshead where cars could be left) and return probably late evening. To keep prices low we would expect participants to take responsibility for their own food either by way of packed meals or purchasing food there. Anyone interested in joining us MUST let us know by Saturday 5th July 2014. Expressing interest does not give commitment.

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