Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Help the Little Sisters of the Poor

Many will already be aware through our diocesan LMS newsletter that Theresa & I are quite involved in fundraising for St Joseph's Home in Newcastle. We collect many items which we can turn into cash to help provide funds for the elderly who are looked after by the sisters. We collect old military medals (any conflict, any country), gold & silver (broken chains, earring backs etc) & used postage stamps (including old albums or just the stamps off letters). Over the years we have managed to raise over £3500.00 in this way & even tiny amounts can, when put with other tiny amounts, result in worthwhile funds. Please help us & be remembered in the prayers & Masses of the sisters.

Latest from Hexham & Newcastle

Apologies are due for the lack of input to the blog but it has been impossible to put anything on for weeks. Easter went by with Sung Masses at St Joseph's in Gateshead on Palm Sunday with an excellent small choir from Sunderland. Easter Sunday was Plainchant. Sadly we had no EF Masses over the period throughout Holy Week although we had been used to them when Fr Brown was at Forest Hall. It is still the hope that a polyphonic choir can be formed as St Joseph's although prospective members are very slow coming forward. If anyone is interested please contact Fr Brown directly at St Joseph's, Gateshead

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Where have we been?

With apologies for lack of postings for the past 3 months. Our blog would not allow us to access & publish new posts. The main changes are that the Saturday Mass at St Mary's, Forest Hall has been discontinued due to Fr Brown's transfer to St Joseph's, Gateshead where the Saturday morning Mass is now at 11am Due to changes at St Joseph's the Schola Sancti Baedae will no longer be singing at the sung Masses and we would like to record our thanks to them for their long & faithful service to the EF Mass. Perhaps in the fullness of time they will return. Fr Brown is still keen to have a polyphonic choir at St Joseph's & anyone wishing to join should in the first instance approach Fr Brown. It is expected that the director will be Peter Lock.