Tuesday, January 25, 2011
2011 Priests Training Conference
"The Latin Mass Society has announced its seventh residential course for priests who wish to learn the Extraordinary Form of Mass. The conference will take place at Buckfast Abbey, Buckfastleigh, Devon from Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th May.
Tuition will be given in small groups selected according to ability, and will cover Low Mass, Missa Cantata and Missa Solemnis. It is also hoped to provide tuition in the sacraments of baptism and marriage. Only rudimentary Latin is required.
There will also be a residential course for laymen wishing to learn to serve the Extraordinary Form.
The conference will begin late morning on the Tuesday, although there will be an opportunity for those travelling long distances to stay at Buckfast Abbey on the Monday night. The conference will end after lunch on the Friday.
There will be sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form each day: parts of the Office will also be sung.
The inclusive fee is £85 which covers all tuition, accommodation and board.
Application forms for both priests and servers training are available from the LMS office (020 7404 7284) or the LMS website (www.lms.org.uk).
LMS Chairman, Dr Joseph Shaw, said 'The LMS's training conferences are now well established in the Church's calendar of activities. We have already trained over a hundred priests and many more Extraordinary Form Masses are being offered around the country due to our training activities.'"
For downloadable pictures go to www.lms.org.uk/news and events/picture gallery/priests training conference at Downside Abbey August 2010.
It is hoped that some of our more forward-looking bishops might be encouraged to send priests to this and future conferences.
Confirmations in the Extraordinary Form
As many of you know we approached Bishop Cunningham some time ago with the request for Confirmations in the EF here in the diocese of Hexham & Newcastle. The bishop's first response was that he would consider it. With no further response forthcoming we again wrote to the bishop in January asking for the fruits of his consideration. His response was that he would not confer the sacrament himself but would delegate one of the diocesan priests to do so in his stead.
At present that response is being considered with LMS members in the diocese being asked for their thoughts.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Latest on Ushaw
We are told that the Trustees were to meet yesterday (21st Jan 2011) when, no doubt, the main topic will have been (should have been?) the closure of Ushaw College. It is common knowledge that a proposal was put forward regarding the taking on of the college by an outside (Catholic) consortium. Supposedly that proposal was not acknowleged. Let us hope that following this meeting it will be.
'Scuttlebutt' has it that the 'YOOF' village is now also suffering financially. Which will be closed first? My money says that, regardless, the village will not be first!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Solemn High Mass for the Feast of the Chair of St Peter
Regarding the Solemn High Mass at Sacred Heart & English Martyrs, Dunelm Rd, Thornley, Co Durham DH6 3HA on Tuesday 22nd February 2011, the starting time has been confirmed as 7.30pm. Fr Gary Dickson, the parish priest, will be the celebrant.
The music will be provided by the Schola Sancti Baedae who will sing 'Missa de Angelis' with the Proper from the Liber Usualis. Fr Simon Henry from Liverpool will preach.
Following Mass there will be a small buffet to which all are invited.
Friday, January 14, 2011
John Paul II to be beatified
I've just heard on the TV that Pope John Paul II is to be beatified in May. I have to say that this concerns me somewhat. I've never been an advocate of 'Subito Santo' as I think we must allow time to pass & the fervour to die down so that God's will can be clearly seen. The actions (or inactions) of the proposed subject must be given adequate time to prove themselves.
Whilst not in any way doubting the good works of Pope John Paul we must be aware that usually only good works are publicised. Sadly the role of Devil's Advocate has been done away with & such was his area of investigation that hidden 'faults' could be brought to light.
Surely our Coptic bretheren have it right when they insist that no such moves be commenced until (I believe) 70 years after the subject's death.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Solemn High Mass for the Feast of the Chair of St Peter
In thanksgiving and intercession for Pope Benedict XVI and 'Summorum Pontificum', Fr Gary Dickson has decided to celebrate the Chair of St Peter on 22nd February 2011 with a Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form. Although the parish celebrates the EF every Sunday as a Low Mass, and has had the occasional Solemn High Mass with guest celebrants, this will be the first time any Parish Priest of Thornley will have offered the EF in Solemn Form for over 40 years. As such a small buffet will follow. Singing will provided by the Schola Sancti Baedae.
The Mass will be celebrated at Sacred Heart and English Martyrs Church, Dunelm Road, Thornley, Co Durham DH6 3HA.
The time has yet to be finalised but will be either 7pm or 7.30pm. The time will be confirmed within the next few days.
We ask as many as possible to attend this Mass and offer it for Fr Dickson's intention of "Thanksgiving and Intercession for Pope Benedict XVI and 'Summorum Pontificum.'"
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Epiphany at St Mary's, Forest Hall
Tonight we celebrated the Epiphany with Missa Cantata at St Mary's celebrated by Parish Priest Fr Michael Brown. The Schola Sancti Baedae provided the music with the Ordinary sung to 'Missa de Angelis'. Following Mass Father blessed the chalk for the traditional marking of homes. The evening was completed with a shared table.
It seems a great shame that our hierarchy have moved this feast (one of the oldest in the Church) to a Sunday, yet another example of the 'dumbing down' of our Faith. Surely, in this day & age, it is easier than ever before to attend Mass on Holydays & yet lazy Catholics are pandered to to make their lives even easier. SHAME!!
Barnard Castle Update
Following Fr Elkin's recent day surgery he has decided - and rightly so - to take it easy for a full recovery. The following Masses are cancelled at St Mary's:
Sunday 9th January 2011 - No EF Mass
Tuesday 11th January 2011 - No EF Mass
With effect from Sunday 16th January 2011 Fr Elkin expects both Sunday & Tuesday Masses to revert to normal.
Please remember Fr Elkin & all our priests in your prayers.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Ushaw Petition
Please check the BBC website which has picked up the Ushaw question as has the "Newcastle Journal" (3rd Jan 2011). The BBC website is: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wear-12108278. If you haven't already done so please sign the on-line petition to keep Ushaw open but with a more traditional form of teaching.
It seems as if the trustees of Ushaw College - the Northern bishops under the leadership of Archbishop Kelly - made little, if any, contact with the laity - certainly of this diocese - before making the monumental decision to close the seminary. We know that at least 1 business plan was available but are reliably informed that this was not discussed in depth with the proposers.
Missa Cantata at St Joseph's, Gateshead
A very Happy, Healthy & Peaceful New Year to all readers.
The monthly Missa Cantata at St Joseph's, Gateshead will, in January 2011, be on the FOURTH SUNDAY (23rd January) instead of the Third Sunday. In February we will (DV) return to the third Sunday.
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