It is very sad to report that with the posting of the present Prior & PP, Fr Leo Edgar OP, the last EF Mass was celebrated here on Sunday 21st July 2013. This was the first church in the diocese to be granted permission for a regular Sunday EF Mass in the diocese of Hexham & Newcastle under the auspices of the Latin Mass Society by the then bishop Rt Rev Ambrose Griffiths OSB (RIP). The one consoling feature is that Bishop Seamus Cunningham has ensured that a Sunday EF Mass will continue on Tyneside by moving Fr Michael Brown from his present parish, St Mary's Forest Hall, back to St Joseph's in Gateshead where he will replace Fr Adrian Dixon who is beginning a 1 year sabbatical. Fr Adrian taught himself to celebrate the EF shortly after replacing Fr Michael some 8 years ago. The former congregation of St Dominic's will be made most welcome at St Joseph's.